"Concept mapping as a constructive tool"

Concept mapping is a diagram that depicts the suggested relationship between concepts. We can create a concept map by writing keywords enclosed in shapes. we use  Coggle to put out thoughts into action; Coggle is an online software for creating and sharing mind maps and flow charts.

Process of designing concept map using Coggle;

1.       1.Signing in with Google

Go to the URL and type "https://coggle.it" and sign in with Google.

2.       2.Create a New Diagram

Choose 'Create Diagram' from my documents list page.




3.       3.Give the flow chart a title

Click on the title item, and enter your title for the flowchart that you are creating.

You can invite your Co-worker to edit with you by entering Co-worker's Email.


4.Create the top-level items in your flow-chart

Right-click on the background of the diagram, and choose the (+) icon to create new items. In the flow-chart 'coggle. it' example I have three top-level items, that are Collaborate, Free, Share, or Formatting.



5. Choose the style of items

Right-click on each item, then choose the color or shape menu to choose its shape or style.




 6. Join items together

 To join items together, for example, to join the "Share" items into the title items drag the item until it is over the item to connect with.


7. Add and connect more items

 Continue to add and connect items until my concept map is complete. For this, I use the (+) buttons on items to create connected items, then give them labels.


8. Upload an Image

 We can upload an image for our items by clicking on the 'Upload an image' buttons. 



How does concept mapping help in teaching and learning?

Concept mapping can be used in all subjects and can be used by both teachers and students. For students, it will visualize or present information in a way that is easier to comprehend by breaking down larger or complex concepts or ideas into smaller and simpler parts. It helps students to recall prior knowledge about a topic and quickly connect to new information. It also promotes self-learning and helps in note-taking. For a teacher, it can be used while making a lesson plan, and also it can be used while teaching complex concepts or topics.




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